7 Marketing Tips For Insurance Companies In 2020

11th February 2020 By Jasmine Richardson

Competition in the insurance marketplace as never been fiercer, which means as an insurance agent you need to put 120% into your marketing efforts. You also need to use all channels available to you to secure clients. To help you begin the new year in a strong position, here are 7 marketing tips for insurance companies in 2020:

#1 Use content marketing 

While your main focus as an insurance company is clients needing to buy an insurance policy imminently, you also need to allocate some attention to cultivating a relationship with people who are going to need insurance at some point in the future. Providing people with useful information throughout the year even when they aren’t in the marketplace for insurance, makes them more likely to remember your name when their policy renewable date comes round. For inspiration, take a look at some case studies of top-performing insurance campaigns in 2019. SEO for insurance firms is also important and essential.

#2 Leverage the power of social media 

Everyone is using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and if your business doesn’t have a presence on those platforms, you are losing out on loads of potential clients. The best way to get engagement on social media sites is to post creative content that is valuable and shareable with everyone, whether they currently looking for an insurance policy or not. Don’t just post dry information about the different policies and plans available. Asking questions to get feedback is a good way to engage with potential clients. Make sure you respond to all comments and replies is a timely manner.

#3 Maintain brand consistency 

It’s important to maintain brand consistency across all your offline and online channels. This means that your company information, graphics, and logo should be the same across all platforms, including your website, social media profile, YouTube Channel, storefront, letterheads, etc. Furthermore, you need to make sure that your company’s tone remains consistent through all communication channels including tweets, phone calls, emails, webchats, etc. Maintaining brand consistency puts your company in a professional light and helps to establish credibility with customers.

#4 Monitor online reviews 

Thanks to the internet, consumers now have a lot more power when it comes to holding insurance companies to account. Reviews sites like Yelp, Facebook reviews and Google reviews can make or break a company’s reputation. As an insurance agent, you need to be constantly monitoring all online reviews about your company. If your company already has lots of bad reviews, there are some things you can do to rebuild your reputation. Hiring reputation management services from a trusted marketing agency is perhaps one of the fastest ways to repair a damaged reputation. Such agencies can often get unfounded negative reviews removed and help you with phrasing responses to bad reviews that put your company in better light. Your online reputation is everything when it comes to selling insurance.

#5 Automate your online marketing 

Automating as many of your company’s marketing tasks as possible will enable you to more easily scale your business. Automated social media marketing is an effective way to reach your audience on a consistent basis. There are now many tools in the marketplace than allow you to schedule tweets, Facebook posts and more.

#6 Go Mobile 

Many people spend over 5 hours a day using their smartphones and mobile devices, so it’s vital that you take advantage of a growing mobile audience. In addition to ensuring that your company’s website is mobile-optimized, it can also often be worth commissioning a company App. If you do decide to develop an App for your insurance company, make sure that it is compatible with iOS and Andriod devices. You can also buy mobile in-app ads which can often have high conversion rates.

#7 Clean up your contacts 

If you have a huge database full of poor-quality contacts, all the time you spend creating content to send out will be a complete waste. Furthermore, receiving a large number of spam reports unsubscribes and bounces will damage your sender reputation, make it more difficult for you to reach people’s inboxes. Cleaning up your contact database will improve your email deliverability rate and enable to you expand your reach. Many insurance agents get attached to their large contact databases, but a database full of bad contacts is worth less than a small database of qualified leads.

Featured above are 7 tips to help you improve your insurance marketing campaigns this year. Remember, the consumer insurance marketplace is very competitive, so you need to find ways to make your company stand out from the crowd. In addition, you should put as much effort into retaining existing clients as you do into attracting new clients. A solid base of loyal customers will help you to survive any dry spells, so you need to invest time in cultivating relationships with your clients.